The pandemic and its adverse effects have not been easy on the supply chains across industries. The outbreak of coronavirus pandemic resulted in uncertain lockdown periods, forcing the masses to stay inside their houses. This way, the deadly virus has changed the face of businesses.
Today, a majority of businesses need to change the way they survive and function. From shifting the business aim from increased to sustainable manufacturing, entities are now looking at creating a revised long-term business performance and capitalizing the marketplace.
While the costs of businesses shutting down due to global emergencies have already been paid, let’s have a look at the new feature in the wake of a pandemic. Here are some trends and how ERP software can help you improve the business.
1. Supply Chains Might Adapt to a New Way
With the outbreak of the pandemic, companies have now realised that relying on a single distributor or a single supplier can’t give them stability in times of emergencies. The new era of modern businesses is relying more on expanding their supplier line across geographies, allowing them the mobility to do business from any level in the supply chain.
Businesses are now moving to multiple suppliers, mitigating the risk factor that might arise due to events such as lockdowns. Thankfully, the ERP software landscape has also adapted for the same and now focuses on providing businesses with the desired flexibility in working.
2. Labours Will Have to Focus on High-value of Work
Business Process Automation (BPA) has been one of the most reliable and rising trends for over several years now. It is well-established that industries have been working towards automation over the years, even before this pandemic.
AI and machine learning have taken over a majority of monotonous tasks and insead, and freed up labours to be utilised for better purposes. This way, businesses will be having better chances at utilizing their resources.
Considering the fact that businesses are now more focused towards cutting costs, automation seems to be the next big trend. Now that we talk of automation, what better resource than a control ERP system that allows businesses to enjoy automated experiences.
3. Tapping into Data Has Never Been Easy
The shift for businesses towards digital platforms has been an advent during the tough coronavirus times. The last few months have been a period where individuals and businesses have relied more on digital solutions like video-conferencing and other online sharing platforms.
Considering the factors that a digital switch has provided us with, today businesses are more reliant on remote workers. With remote working being the trend, the updated integration of the ERP features is to provide real-time information on the home-workers, making seamless working possible.
Further, establishing data-driven management regimes is also something that can be seen trending in the current business atmosphere.
4. We Could Experience Optimised Workplace
From large manufacturers to the smallest retailers in the supply chain, every business owner has been looking for reliable means to successfully respect the government norms while working. The smart business owners have already been gearing up for the new normal of social distancing and try and optimize every operation in their production princess to sync with their operations.
The time and motion studies used over these solutions can be used as a means to simplify and understand the time and motion studies of business operations besides studying the different ERP trends.
5. Businesses Will Require More Structuring for WFH Models
Now that major organizations in India are finally opened up to work-from-home as a situation that was previously under an emergency measure, things seem to stay intact even after the pandemic. Yes, it might be possible that remote employees feel left out to take part in a working environment. However, the fact is more certain that it is an established norm now.
With the correct ERP solutions in place, businesses can now easily adapt for a better and more reliable solution of business model that allows people to work from home. The possibilities of home-based workers feeling left out is also common. So, to make things more effective, it is essential for the managers to keep a tab on home-workers that are working under different circumstances.
6. Linear Work Patterns, Allowing COVID-19 Emergencies
Since vaccines are not yet in the picture, employees are still at risk of the communicable disease under different circumstances. So, new and improved working conditions that allow employees to take flexible leaves or work remotely will be a common picture.
The wake of the pandemic has been a chance to revive the lost. Businesses are slowly returning to normal scenarios with revised working conditions, and it is only evident that the suggested ways of working will be seen in the new normal.