Odoo’s role in automating and streamlining complex inventories is commendable. The functionalities in Odoo Inventory module help us to manage the product stock. Some of the important features of this module are –
Scrap Products
Cross Docking/Routing
Batch Picking & Packing
Product Rotation/Shelf Life
Real-time Inventory Report and Valuation
In this blog, I will discuss the basics of cross-docking process in Odoo and share some tips for organizing the docking area. Besides, I will give you a brief idea about the rules that you need to decide on the loading and unloading process.
What is Cross-Docking?
Cross-docking is a complicated approach to managing inventories that allows you to avoid excess stock and speed-up deliveries. Although it is somewhat similar to the concept of dropshipping, you need to have a warehouse for cross-docking. It will be used as a docking station.
The process is as follows:
Items that arrive from different vendors and suppliers are placed in a docking station.
In the docking area, they are sorted and assembled together in a single shipment package for each destination.
The shipments are further loaded onto trucks and shipped to their final destination.
This process ensures optimal utilization of your company’s warehouse space to process more orders in a short span of time.
How Do I Organize My Docking Area?
The success of cross-docking can be attributed to a well-organized docking station or area. So you should keep certain tips in mind that will help you in carrying out such operations in a consistent manner.
Here are the tips:
Organize your dock floor smartly. Define the areas where items can be stored on a temporary basis. Demarcate other areas that should be kept free at all times, and also a perimeter for loading and unloading of goods.
The areas should be kept as small as possible, even if you have more space available. Smaller areas can save time spent on loading and unloading the products.
Efficiently distribute the weight of packages while loading them into the trucks. It is important for the safety of delivery vehicles on roads and their efficiency.
The loading order of packages should be outlined properly.
Avoid blind zones where items are hidden. This will ensure that no items are lost in the process and are delivered to their rightful owner.
Rules for Loading & Unloading the Goods
Odoo rules can be defined, organized and customized by the users as per the requirements. I am listing down some of the things to be kept in mind before organizing the rules:
Keep track of schedules for incoming and outgoing goods and make sure the rules you have set apply to every single load that arrives. If necessary, don’t hesitate to adapt to the rules.
Each item should be moved only once. The more items you’re able to upload straight from the inbound carrier to the outbound docking area, the more time you save and there’s less chance of an item getting damaged.
The priority might not always be to unload as fast as you can. You could save a lot of time by keeping an inbound carrier waiting a few minutes so that you can transport the shipment straight to an outbound carrier.
Workers are still the best way to organize things, but some tools (such as conveyors) can help you save on time and labor, especially for getting items from A to B in a straight line.
How Does Cross-docking Work in Control ERP?
Control ERP, a cloud-based ERP software, is powered by Odoo and reflects its efficiency and scalability. In the below GIF image, you can visualize the cross-docking process in action.
On an Ending Note
The cross-docking functionality available in Odoo is indeed a valuable one. It can decrease turnaround time at large warehouses and help in routing the products. If you want to adopt this system in your business, just drop an email on info@controlerp.com or schedule a live demo with the experts.