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    Control ERP Provides a Retail Omnichannel Solution for a Leading Retailer of World-Class Printing Equipment & Office Supplies

    Brainvire - Control erp solution with printing equipment

    About Client

    An established European lifestyle firm introduced hand-picked interiors from a couple of well-acclaimed designers in the world. They wanted a website that is a single destination to search for quality designer products. The client is highly inspired by art and culture from across the globe. They reached out to us to design a subtle B2C eCommerce website to sell their products online.

    Product Idea

    Our team developed a completely new eCommerce website with the latest version of Magento Enterprise. This subtle yet new B2C platform consists of all the native Magento features. This Magneto website also comprises add-on functionalities like custom fields, gifting, and Shop by Brand.

    How we did it?


    Logistics integration

    The team provided powerful Sprint logistics integration so that the client could obtain real-time stock updates and refill.

    Classification of products

    The smart algorithm can assist the client to classify products in different categories based on their values. The highest and cheapest values determine the best and poor selling products.

    Innovative wish list

    A logic is affixed in the platform where the client can see the number of likes on the heart icon. This way the client knows how many people have added that particular product to their wish list.

    Sneak peek of product

    The Shop by look feature provides a clear glimpse of how products look in the living room of the customers.

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