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    Brainvire Crafts a Magento E-Commerce Website for an American Healthcare Supplement Business with Odoo Backend Support


    About Client

    The client is a leading vitamin, protein, and nutrition wholesaler along with pet products supplier in the US. The company offers a variety of healthcare supplements including 5000+ exclusive products and more than 300 well-known brands. The client also has state-of-the-art operational warehouses that supply high-quality vitamin and protein-enriched products at affordable prices.

    About Product

    The client associated with Brainvire to build an interactive and user-friendly eCommerce website for additional backend support. The adept Magento developers created a high-end eCommerce platform by integrating advanced Odoo ERP system. It served as a backend portal for the website.

    How we did it ?


    A Multi-Website Scenario

    Multiple language translation facilities allowed users to choose their preferred language and currency.

    Rewards and Referrals Got Simplified

    The backend portal provided complete management support for the rewards and referrals programs.

    Streamlined Local Supply Chain

    The local supply chain and shipping got streamlined through integration with a local Korean shipping agency.

    Detailed Reporting for Easy Processing of Products

    A detailed reporting system was implemented to simplify the task of warehouse personnel.

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