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    Brainvire Builds a Comprehensive Odoo ERP Solution with Third and Fourth-Party Logistics for a US-Based Mobile Accessories Retailer

    Brainvire - Odoo Implementation

    About Client

    The client is a reputed California-based company that sells a range of the latest mobile accessories and other unique products from around the world. It provides the most competitive pricing with 100% products shipped within the US. The client approached Brainvire to create a complete ERP solution by implementing third-party and fourth-party logistics. They also wanted to build a robust Magento eCommerce platform.

    Product Idea

    The company has established itself as one of the best sellers of mobile accessories since 2003. The USP of the client lies in offering the optimum cost-effective prices and fast shipping services within the US. The company wanted to streamline its inventory and invoice management system with an effective ERP software. With the Magento eCommerce platform, the client could get more potential customers on board.

    How we did it ?


    Automating the Accounting System

    All the vendors got access to a more dynamic configuration panel single configuration for automatic calculation of the charge.

    Easy Display of Own Records

    The Record Rule Management process allowed users to display all their own records.

    Faster and Easier Inventory Checking

    Magento 2 made inventory checking faster and easier by integrating Fulfilment by Amazon. Now, the vendors don’t have to visit the Amazon eCommerce website separately.

    Invoice Management Gets Simplified

    Checkboxes and booleans allowed vendors to easily manage multiple invoices.


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